Monday, February 17, 2014

My Life with the Turkey

I think about them often.  This turkey family that showed  up in our yard one day last February.  They came everyday.  Mr. Tom Turkey all puffy and protective.  Sure I had heard that wild turkeys can be dangerous especially when protecting their mates.  That didn't stop my curiosity or deep fascination with this family.  I was charged many a time when filling my bird feeders but he never came close enough to hurt me.  He could have easily.  I was in complete awe the first time I saw these magnificent birds take flight.  Who knew how fast and how high turkeys could fly?  They never bothered our flock of chickens when they were out free ranging.  Nor did they interrupt our  son's basketball game.  They did however stop cars and delivery men in our driveway.  The neighbors felt them a nuisance. I felt so lucky to have them around.  One day in the late spring they stopped showing up.  I'm not sure what happened and I hope that they have safely moved on to another family that will cherish their visit. 
I recently watched My Life as a Turkey.  Another thing I can't stop thinking about.  Please watch it if you haven't and share your thoughts because my family is over my turkey talk!

The Waiting is Over

I began my day like most days by following my routine of writing in my gratitude journal, reading a daily devotion from Jesus Calling and then off to tackle the to do list.  I have been putting off transferring my 27,000 photos from my Mac Book to an external hard drive.  The ever present reminder that my memory was maxed lead me to start the transfer today.  As I scrolled through all the photos in just the last 12 months, it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I was waiting.  Waiting to loose weight to include myself in family photos, waiting to post nature photos until I was at the most far off and exotic destination as possible, waiting to share or write blog posts until I improved my grammar or could somehow magically become a writer. Waiting to become all those things that I am not so that I am worthy enough to share my thoughts or a peek into my life I have 27,000 photos that I took because something made me happy, or proud, or recognize a gift.  I am no longer waiting to share, or appreciate or participate.  I am worthy now, in this minute, who I am at this very second.  The waiting is over!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1000 Gifts

This past year I read 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I keep a daily gratitude journal and practice the art of gratitude.  It's not as easy as one might think to reach 1000 gifts hence the "practice" of gratitude comes into play.  To really be still and notice all of the gifts God gives us every moment of our lives does take a lot of practice.  On this snowy day,  I am grateful that I was able to drive home safely from work and to be tucked in with my family and enjoy the beauty in the landscape God has provided. #1000 Gifts

5 Years?

Has it really been 5 years since I created this blog?  Well guess what?  Blogging is back on my 2014 to do list.  Lot's of exciting things brewing for this year including our oldest daughter graduating from high school and a dream Mission trip in the works.  Continuing to Dream Big!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dive Right In and Follow Your Dreams

So this may not be the most flattering photo of myself but I have to say it represents so many lessons that my girlfriends have taught me.  This photo was taken in July 2010.  I went on a girlfriends get-a-way vacation and when my friend Heather showed me the list of possible excursions I jumped at the chance to "Swim with the Whale Sharks."  Well Heather got right on the phone and arranged the trip.  She knew how much I wanted to do this, how nervous I was but that it was something  that I had my heart set on.  She gave me her sea sickness patch and sent me on my way.  It was one of the most amazing surreal experiences of my life. When we got back to our Palapa, Heather was waiting anxiously to hear every detail.  She taught me to dream big and dive right in... I knew she was there to support me, cheer me on, and even help me out if I got seasick.  Heather passed away a few months after this trip so I wanted to start this blog with this lesson to remind myself everyday to Dream Big!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Learn Something New Everyday

Well, while checking in on some of my favorite blogs I came across the 101 in 1001 days site.  I was intrigued and wanted to create a list.  I tried to sign in but saw that you had to have a blog... well why not?  This is my first attempt at a blog.. it will be an adventure for sure as I have no idea of how to blog.  I figure I can post some of my favorite things.. and maybe even inspire others with lessons I have learned from "Snowball Road."