Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1000 Gifts

This past year I read 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I keep a daily gratitude journal and practice the art of gratitude.  It's not as easy as one might think to reach 1000 gifts hence the "practice" of gratitude comes into play.  To really be still and notice all of the gifts God gives us every moment of our lives does take a lot of practice.  On this snowy day,  I am grateful that I was able to drive home safely from work and to be tucked in with my family and enjoy the beauty in the landscape God has provided. #1000 Gifts

5 Years?

Has it really been 5 years since I created this blog?  Well guess what?  Blogging is back on my 2014 to do list.  Lot's of exciting things brewing for this year including our oldest daughter graduating from high school and a dream Mission trip in the works.  Continuing to Dream Big!